
Data Services

Our world class data team helps in architecting on-premise and cloud-migration of database systems and create an environment for decision making using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning framework. Our expertise include but not limited to

Microsoft Azure platform database (Data Lakes,  SQL, Data Bricks, Cosmos DB, etc.)

AWS database platform (RDS, Aurora, Dynamo DB, Elasticache, Redshift, etc.)

Google Cloud SQL

Our specialties lies in creating HIPAA and HITRUST compliant database and application environment.

Health Systems

Our Informatics, IT, and Automation services have the backing of an active laboratory in North Carolina. When we discuss the challenges and opportunities of our customers, we speak from the strength of our knowledge and experience of more than 20 years of Informatics, and services offering that are continuously improved at a multi-specialty lab employing several automated instruments.  We specialize in

  • Lab Automation and Informatics Strategy

  • Implementation and Integration Services

  • Analytics and Quality system integration

  • Rules based workflow automation

  • Managed Services